Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

ge pamungkas

Nama Lengkap : Genrifinadi Pamungkas
Nama Panggilan : Ge, Gerry, Gege, Pentol Korek
Tanggal Lahir : 25 Januari 1989
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
Zodiak : Aquarius
Agama : Islam (Muslim)
Pacar : Orissa P. Sofyan
Tanggal Jadian : 27 Februari 2012
Sekolah : - SMA Al-Izhar Pondok Labu
               - Univercity of Parahyangan (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan), Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Angkatan 2006

  Facebook : Genrifinadi Pamungkas
  Twitter : @GePamungkas
Bio Twitter : Aquarian | @standupindo_bdg 's Stand-up comedian | @oryzap 's property | Contact Person: @dipaaa / 0878 7889 8985 | I wear @10dencies , and you should too :)
Bio Facebook :
Pandangan Politik : Democratic Party
Kutipan Favorit : - I Do What I Like, And I Like What I Do

                        - I could be/get whatever that I want--but what matters most is whether I want it or not.
                           Not all hard work attempt could make u being successful--but every success is made by a hard work attempt..
                           If you wanna do something, then do your best--let GOD do the rest.

                         -Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mistery, and today is a GIFT.. That's why we called it PRESENT

                         -A philosopher..
                          Always sees every aspects of life from a different angle..
                          I insist of enjoying life, for the upmost..
                          Men are the highest predator of all, including me.. So I'm not afraid of you or anybody; except GOD... and heights, heuhuehe..

Olahraga Favorit : Tarung Derajat
Musik Favorit : Eminem, Slipknot, Tyranosaurur Sex, ASHYIEQ BAND, The Molly Jones,, Nadya Fatira, Medical Super Drama, Barris, Jason Mraz, Incubus, Maliq & D'Essential, John Mayer.
Buku Favorit : Al-Qur;an, Kahlil Gibran, Kambing Jantan, Ayat-ayat Cinta, Gabriel Gracia Maquez, Cintapuccino, Komik, El-Fantatista, Shoot, Fight Ippo, King Boy, Dragon Ball, alad Days, Kagetora, Kyo The Samurai, And Lots, Slam Dunk.
Film Favorit : The Godfather, Film Horor, Film Lawakan, Film Laga,Science Fiction Film, Somay Sparta (300).
Acara TV Favorit : Castle, How I Meet Your Mother, Friends (TV Show), Sam Dunn, Heroes.
Permainan Favorit : Garena Heroes Of

Aktifitas dan Minat : Sport, Game, Everything, Name It.

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